Erie Railroad Orange Branch
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Posted on LHRy website on 21 March 2018
This is a list of over 600 individuals associated with the Erie Railroad's Orange Branch, including the predecessor Watchung Railroad and subsequent Erie-Lackawanna, Conrail, and Norfolk Southern. I'm not interested with those not involved with the Orange Branch.
Kindly let me know if you know of any others who should be added, nicknames I have missed, those who have died, or if there are any errors. Thank you for your help! Please send corrections and additions to Bill McKelvey at
Format: *=deceased; name; "nick name(s)"; ♥=provided help & input; occupation; other comments
*Adams, H.R. - Superintendent, NY Div. 1940 - 1946
*Allen, P.J. - Conductor 1882-5
*Allen, William - Stockholder, 12 shares of Watchung Railway Co. 1873
*Angelo, Joe - Dispatcher, side lines Erie RR ca. 1953, retired ca. 1962
Antonick, Richard (Richy) C. - Hired by Erie 9.12.1955; Freight conductor 6.3.1960; Passenger conductor 9.25.1960; Born 4.19.1935
*Apgar, Oliver "Ollie" - Fireman, DL&W, Fireman/Engineer Erie ca. 1940's, retired ca. 1960's; his grandson, Robert Jr., fired for him for 4 years
Apgar, Robert J., Jr. "Bob" "Jeronimo" ♥ - Fireman starting in 1955; promoted to Engineer Aug. 1960; Erie, E-L, Conrail; Bob is the third generation to work for Erie - father was "Sunny" and grandfather was "Ollie"
*Apgar, Robert J., Sr. "Sunny" - Conductor, Erie, laid off, went to CNJ RR, killed in train wreck; son is Bob
*Appeld, Rudolph C. - Clerk, NYS&W RR, 1926; Assistant Chief Dispatcher ca. 1950 - 60's; retired from Conrail 3.26.74
*Allen, P. J., Conductor ca. 1883-5
Araiza, J.G. - Brakeman ca. 1954
*Arbucci, Frank - Last Crossing Towerman at Franklin St. before job was abolished during the first week of September 1974, and at other locations - died ca. 1977
Aretz, Henry L. “Arab” - Hired by Erie 6.30.1959; Freighjt conductor 11.10.1964; Passenger conductor 6.10.1965; Born 8.7.1927
*Armstrong, Charles A. - Brakeman 1891
Arndt, Ed - Fireman, Silver Lake Drill, 1950's - 1960's and then left the Erie
*Arroyo, Philip F. - General Agent, Passenger Dept., Jersey City ca. 1931
Aughey, Joseph ♥ - Signal Maintainer; started with Erie in 1949 at Forest Hill about a year; retired 1993 from NJT
*Axford, Louis G. - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster; Engineer, GL Haul 1950's; attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
Bahrs, Robert "RR" or "RR Bob" ♥ - Trainman, Conrail, on Orange Branch 1977+; Retired from NS ca 2010; owner of Bangor & Aroostook RR caboose C-67, built 12/1947, restored and for several years displayed at Whippany Ry Museum, sold in 1996 to Bob Hart, Jr. & moved to RR Museum of New England
*Bailey, Chillian D. "Chil" - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster; Conductor on #463 ca. 1945; qualified Harry Wands, Jr. on Orange Branch; retired 4.12.51 at age 71 with 49 years service
*Bailey, Henry J. - hired by Erie 4.7.1947; Conductor 12.9.1956; Silver Lake Drill, 1950's - 1960's; a gentleman; born 2.21.1920
Baker, Rose Meskill ♥ - Stenographer @ Bloomfield Freight Station 1941-50; secretary to Voellemy; daughter of Margaret Dempsey Meskill
*Balablock, Casper - entered service 9.15.1924; promoted to Freight Conductor 1.6.1944; Head End Brakeman, freight #463 ca. 1944-8; promoted to Passenger Conductor 2.9.1951 died of heart attack on #1 Phoebe Snow; was portly and a jovial cut up
*Barber, Charles G. - Director, elected in place of Pratt, Watchung Ry. Co.
*Battin, Sylvester S. - Incorporator of Bloomfield & Orange Horse Car Ry. Co. in 1868
*Beach, Alfred E. - Incorporator of Bloomfield & Orange Horse Car Ry. Co. in 1868; Director, Watchung Railway Co., replacing David N. Ropes in 1871; stockholder with 24 shares in 1873; resigned in 1880
*Beach, Ralph H. - Held a position of relative importance with General Electric Co., and became Manager of that company’s railway department, which expanded greatly under his direction. It was probably through his activities in that position and his personal interest in electrical experimentation that he became friends with Edison. Beach was involved in the formation of Federal Storage Battery Car Co. and its reorganization as the Railway Storage Battery Co. In 1910 he was aboard the trial run of the Beach single truck battery trolley #1 on the Erie Railroad Orange Branch. In 1918 Beach was the head of the Electric Car & Locomotive Corp.
*Becker, Augie - Engineer, Greenwood Lake Haul, 1960's, took cars from Croxton to Silver Lake
*Becker, Fred - Crossing Watchman, Glenwood Ave., East Orange ca. 1950's., rode a bicycle to work - lived in N. 17th St area of Bloomfield?; used to hide when signal maintainers came along so as not to have to put gates down
*Beckwith, Cliff - Dispatcher, Erie & EL; Mayor of W. Paterson, NJ
*Bedell, Edward T. - Director of Watchung Railway elected in 1880 to replace J.T. Wilcox
*Beet, Clarence Henry "Charlie" - Fireman, then Engineer, worked on Orange Branch; had a son Stan Henry, who worked a short time on the Orange Branch; lived on south west side of Bloomfield Ave. crossing, opposite OF Tower, 1960's; retired 7.31.61 with 39 years service
Beet, Stanley Henry, Sr. ♥ - Brakeman ca. 1939-40 (then went to Jersey Central until Jan. '42 when he went into Army Air Corps. - WW II); returned to Erie 1945-7 as a Brakeman on the Orange Branch; left Erie in 1947 and became a motorman on the Public Service #29 Bloomfield trolley for a year; son of Clarence Beet
Beinick, Robert - Conductor for Conrail ca. 1997
*Belles, Art - first trick Operator, OJ Tower, Forest Hill ca. 1937; became train starter at Jersey City after OJ closed
*Bennett, Kenneth J. - Engineer, 1st spot job with Harry Wands, Jr. 1948-57; his engine was 0-8-0 #252; retired 2.27.52 at age 74 with 56 years service
*Berrian, E.T., "Ted" - Dispatcher, Jersey City & Hoboken 1950's - 1960's; brother of Roy
Berrian, Roy ♥ - Dispatcher for Erie & EL (worked Orange Br.) 1950's - 60's; brother of Ted
*Bessinger, J.H. - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster, mostly in passenger service
Biernacki, Dan ♥ - Dispatcher, 1973-4 controlling the Orange Branch; later Rules Examiner for NJT
*Birchenough, John T. - Freight Conductor as of 4.29.1938; promoted to Passenger Conductor 9.1.1947; still working to ca. 1960, he was skinny as a rail
*Blakney, B.J. - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster
Bleimeyer, Richard A. - Hired by Erie 5.9.1957; Freight conductor 2.1.1962; Passenger conductor 10.1.1962; Born 4.24.1930
Blue, Inez - Typist, Bloomfield Freight Station ca. 1957
*Boehner, Charles J. - Extra Brakeman, began working for Erie RR in 1892 at 19; became a freight conductor in 1897 and a passenger conductor in 1902; retired with 42 years service in 1934; was best man for Harry Wands, Sr.; a gentleman; his uncle was Ticket Agent @ Llewellyn Station; Grandfather of John J. Boehner; attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
*Boehner, Carl - Conductor on Orange Branch ca. late 1940's
*Bogert, Charles W. - Foreman at Bloomfield freight station, started 12.1.39; was a hard worker and very conscientious in the performance of his duties; was called into military service in 1942, came back to work for Erie; Checker @ Bloomfield in 1969; Crossing Watchman at Ho-Ho-Kus was his last job before retirement; brother of James
Bogert, James - worked at Bloomfield Freight Station as OS&D Clerk ca. 1940's; brother of Charles
Bolsky, Chet - worked in Bloomfield Freight House
Bonanno, Dominick - Asst. Engineer, CNJ; Engineer, Conrail early 90's
*Bonney, Harry - Fireman, prior to 1927, ??? per Ed Francis
Bookstaver, Francis (Frank) "Bookie" - Dispatcher, sidelines, 2nd trick @ Jersey City ca. 1958; Chief Dispatcher at Hoboken for NJT; son of Harry A.; retired ca. 2012?
*Bookstaver, Harry A. - Superintendent, NY Division ca. 1950-56; Transportation Coordinator at Jersey City, retired 2.29.56 with 47 years service, lived to be 90+; father of Frank
*Bordwell, H.J. - General Manager, Erie RR, Eastern District, 1930's
*Bowers, Mathew - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster; owned a nursery at Great Notch; attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
Bozzo, Kenneth - was transferred from Paterson to Bloomfield Freight Station in 1942
*Brandenberg, H.A. - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster
Brantner, Richard - Hired on 2.24.1971; EL & Conrail
*Brickel (or Buckel), George E. worked at Forest Hill ca. 1920
*Broncacio, Jerry - Operator, OJ Tower ca. 1950's
*Brown, J.J. "Mapa" - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster; worked the Orange Branch in the 1920's and 30's; brother of R.D.
*Brown, R.D. "Runner" - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster, brother of J.J.; a fast operator
*Brown, William - Engineer on GL Haul ca. 1963; son of J.J.
*Brown, William - Engineer, retired 2.19.51 at 70 with 44 years service per Erie RR Magazine
*Brown, William - Engineer on GL Div. ca. 1890
*Brown, William A. - Fireman on passenger trains ca. 1929
*Browning, Ross C. - Director, Bloomfield and Orange Horse Car Railway Company ca. 1869; Director, Watchung Railway Company ca. 1871; stockholder with 24 shares in 1873; resigned in 1880
Buckel, George E. - in Forest Hill station photo
*Burgh, Frank W. "(his nickname was the slang word for afro-american)" - Conductor, GL Haul & Orange Branch ca. 1950's, retired 1960's (see F.W. Burgh on roster # 16)
*Burt, Grinnell - General Manager, Montclair & Greenwood Lake RR, decided not to renew the Watchung RR lease in 1877
Byerly, Bob ♥ - Extra Agent & Operator, W. Orange ca. 1956; rode on last passenger train; left EL spring of 1966
*Cable, Norman M. "Nubs"? - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster; was an air brake "artist"; attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
Callahan, Harry? - Junior Clerk, Blfd. Freight Station ca. early 1950's
*Campbell, John F. "Hap" - Erie Sidelines Dispatcher @ Jersey City ca. 1953; loved to chase fire engines
*Captain, William E. "Groucho" - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster; Engineer, #463 ca. 1945; Silver Lake drill Engineer 1945-50's; early in 1951 he received a 50 year gold pass from Harry Bookstaver; retired 10.17.51 at 69 with 46 years service; attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
*Caputo, Carmine - Crossing Watchman, Silver Lake; retired 7.12.61 with 34 years service
*Caputo, Frank - Crossing Watchman at Bloomfield; retired 11.30.55 with 37 years of service
*Cardello (or illo?), James? - Agent, West Orange ca. 1930's
Carieri, Sebastian M. - was transferred from Bloomfield freight station back to Passaic in 1942
*Carlough, Edward M. - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster; retired 10.30.52 at age 68 with 48 years service
Carmack, Rual - Conductor on final NS freight move (Hartz Mountain) on ____ 2009
*Carry, Peter - Brakeman ca. 1907; Conductor/Trainman, 1929 GLRR roster; Freight & Extra Passenger Conductor 1937; still working to 1940's
*Catlin, Kenneth "Red" - Crossing watchman - was the last gate tender at Bloomfield Ave. prior to installation of automatic gates ca. 1969, worked 2nd shift; John Sobotka frequently helped him put the lanterns on the gates in the evening
Cavanaugh, Hugh “Red” - Hired by Erie 2.4.56; Freight conductor 4.30.1961; Passenger conductor 10.1.1962; Born 2.18.1927
*Cavart, C.P. "Superman" - Fireman, Engineer ca. 1939
Cellini, Charles J. ♥ “Mad Dog” (because he had pursued a medical degree) - Hired by Erie Lackawanna 12.31.1968; Freight conductor 7.10.1973; Passenger conductor 7.10.1973; Worked for EL, Conrail & NJT; Became a representative for the United Transportation Union; Born 12.10.1944
*Christmas, Tony - attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
*Cisco, Russell - Agent at West Orange, ca. 1930's; Dispatcher ca. 1950's
*Clark, E.T. - Construction Engineer for Watchung Railway Co. ca. 1873
Clark, Jerry - Trainman - NYC RR; CRR of NJ 1961-8; EL (Orange Branch ca. 1969-71); Conrail; retired from
Clawson, Richard W. “Lovenuts” - Hired by Erie 12.31.1956; Freight conductor 2.1.1962; Born 12.21.1936
*Colby, Oscar - Crossing Watchman at White St. ca. 1950's; died at age 49
Colby, (son of Oscar) (what was his occupation?__________
*Cole, Tracy - Agent, Forest Hill, ca. 1930's?, and at North Newark where Forest Hill came under his jurisdiction; died 4.8.62
*Coleman, George - Brakeman 1887, Fireman 1891
Coleman, Walter "Powder Puff" - Engineer ca. 1943; Road Foreman 1953
*Collins, Robert F. (Bob) ♥ - started working for Erie in 1942 as Operator, Orange Branch ca. 1953; dispatcher for Erie, EL, Conrail until 1980 (handled Orange Branch in later years)
*Conboy, Joseph - Chief Dispatcher ca. 1960's
*Condit, Elias M. - helped raise $10,000 for extension of the Watchung Railway from Park Avenue to Main St., West Orange
Cone, Edward - Public Service Coordinated Transport, Manager, Orange Branch bus operation following end of passenger train service
*Conkey, W.M. - Stockholder, 48 shares, Watchung Railway Co., 1873
*Conklin, Floyd J. - Dispatcher, side lines ca. 1940-50's; had a good disposition
*Conklin, John H. - Conductor 1891-6, 1917
*Conley, Donald - Traveling Representative who visited the inactive Bloomfield Freight Station after Ron Wallace, 1977-8 for Conrail; was a former LV RR tug dispatcher???
*Cook, D.W. - Assistant General Passenger Agent ca. 1900
*Cook, Melvin N. - Agent, Bloomfield Freight House ca. 1940's - 50's, after Voellemy and before DiVito
Cooper, Jane - Clerk @ Blfd. Frt. House late 1940's
Cooper, Martin "Marty" - Crossing Supervisor who followed Jimmy Stevenson
*Corbett, James T. - Started 5.21.25; Yardmaster; Trainmaster ca. 1950's; last job was Yardmaster at Paterson
Corso (or was it Caruso?), Frank - Engineer, Orange Branch freight ca. 1956
*Cotter, J.J. "Jack" - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster; saw a baby crawling across the track (where ?) in front of his engine, he set the brakes then ran ahead and snatched the baby
Cotton, Bob - Erie Freight Sales Manager
Coule, Martin J. - Hired 1.11.1961; Freight conductor 12.9.1966; Passenger conductor 12.9.1966; Born 3.13.1927
Countey, Dennis J., hired by Erie 8.23.1950, freight conductor 12.9.1956, passenger conductor 12.1.1957, born 1.25.1928
Cowan, Stanley (son of W.G.) - Fireman on night switcher at Silver Lake until late 1940's or early 1950's when he was discharged
*Cowan, W.G. - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster
Cox, Andrew J. - Hired 2.21.1961; Freight conductor 12.9.1966; Passenger conductor 12.9.1966; Born 5.18.1942
*Craig, G.M. - Assistant General Passenger Agent ca. 1914
Crawford, Barry E. - EL, Conrail & NJT; He refused to cut his hair - NJT let him go; Born 5.30.1953
Crelin, James W. ♥ - Junior Clerk, began working for Erie in 1945 at Croxton and then Forest Hill/No. Newark (pay was $141 per month) - commuted from home in West Orange by train - drafted into Army three months later; returned to Erie 1947 as Bloomfield Freight House Yard Clerk, later OS&D Clerk for LCL traffic; Operator 1949; became Dispatcher in 1954; retired from Conrail; has last ticket issued at West Orange Station
Crowley, John F. - Hired by Erie 9.12.1955; Freight conductor 6.3.1960; Passenger conductor 9.15.1960; Born 9.14.1936
*Cubby, Joseph K. - Supervisor of Stations ca. 1947; was followed by Ben Leah
*Cudahey, Oliver G. - Fireman on #463 ca. 1945, later Engineer
*Cullmer, E.A. - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster
Curran, Cornelius (Neil) F. - Hired by Erie 6.20.1953; Freight conductor 12.1.1958; Born 10.25.1933
*Curran, Stephan J. - Maintenance of Way worker at Montclair for 14 years; lived in Orange & commuted on the Orange Branch; died at age 64
*Cusick, Partick - Laborer, injured working on track in 1882
Cuttler, Joseph - Agent, part time at Bloomfield & part at Montclair
*Dailey, Smith "Buffalo" - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster; Chevrolet Yardmaster late 1920's-early 30's; Conductor, First & Second Orange Branch Drills 1931-2
Dalphus, Ram - NS Trainman / Engineer in final years of OB operation
*Dana, Fred W. - Chief Train Dispatcher, NY Division ca. 1950's & early 1960's; also a rules examiner; retired 6.30.61 with 49 years service
Daniels, Wilbur - Engineer ca. 1955
*D'Angelo, Joseph - Crossing Watchman, Belleville; retired 3.25.52 at 65 with 20 years service
*Davies, William John - Agent, West Orange 1880-90, and thought to be designer of the Erie RR diamond/circle logo, although earlier roots have been uncovered
Davis, Bob - Engineer, extra, Silver Lake Drill, 1950's - 1960's
*Day, D. - Conductor 1894
*Day, Mrs. D. M. - Ticket Agent, Llewellyn (West Orange) ca. 1915 & later @ Brighton Ave.
*Dearchuck, E. A. - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster
DeBenedetto, Armondo "Babe" - Freight Handler ca. 1945, Foreman, Bloomfield Freight Station 1952, after Fred Templeman
*Decker, Marge - Clerk @ Bloomfield Frt. House, later Hackensack & Hoboken
De Feo, Joseph - was transferred from Paterson to Bloomfield freight station in 1942
*Deiters, Al F. - entered service 10.28.1926; promoted to Freight Conductor 1.6.1944; Conductor on last AM passenger run on 5.20.55
*DeMott, A. "Deacon" - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster; attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
*Dempsey, Margaret - Clerk at Prospect St., E. Orange Freight Office ca. 1920's before Bloomfield Freight Station opened, departed ca. 1922 when married (Meskill)
denOuter, J. F. “Dutch” - Hired 3.30.1962; Freight conductor 3.8.1968; Passenger conductor; Worked on Erie, EL, Conrail, & NJT; Was in Marines with Dennis DiPito; The good friends were reunited on the RR; Born 1.22.1938
*DeLeo, Mary - Waybill Typist at East Orange Freight Office ca. 1928-9
DeSerbo, Vic - Signal Maintainer at Forest Hill for Orange Branch & GL ca. 1950's
*DeVito, Al A. - Agent, Bloomfield, as of 1961; a devoted railroad worker; retired from Franklin Ave., Nutley, late 1970's; Frank Capalbo's preserved Erie caboose #C140 is dedicated to Al; Al, Herman, Leonard, & Nicholas were brothers;
Detrick, Clyde - Agent, Operator, Station Supervisor
DeVito, Herman - Agent, Forest Hill, later No. Newark; last job as agent @ Wood Ridge for NJT (retired); married Aida Para, a Clerk
*DeVito, Leonard S. - Clerk, Bloomfield Freight Station ca. 1950's; Mahwah in 1969, brother of Al, Herman, & Nick
*DeVito, Nicholas J. - Station Supervisor late 1950's - early 1960's; left RR and became a hospital executive in Bergen Cty.; brother of Al, Herman and Leonard; a sharp dresser
Dezenzo, Gerald - Hired by Erie 1.8.1957; Freight conductor 2.1.1962; Born 8.8.1934
*Dickson, S. H. - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster
*Dildock, O. B. - Public Information Spokesman for Erie RR in dispatchers office, Jersey City, ca. 1935-50 - inquiring reporters usually talked with him (fictitious name used by a real employee)
Dilk, Frances A. - Assistant @ Forest Hill ca. 1945
*Dinsmore, R.M. - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster
DiPito, Dennis - Hired 2.10.1970; Was in Marines and became good friends with J.F. denOuter, reunited on RR; Worked on EL, Conrail and NJT as conductor
DiStasio, Nick - Extra Conductor/Brakeman on Silver Lake Drill, 1950's - 1960's
*Ditloff, William A. - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster; a gentleman; retired 10.3.55 with 49 yrs. service; attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
*Dittig, A. - Engineer 1885
Dixon, H. - Trucker (freight handler) @ Bloomfield Freight House ca. 1966; started 1.3.51
*Dodd, W.O. - Brakeman 1891
Domenici, Patrick (Pat) R. - Hired by Erie 12.19.1953; Freight conductor 4.26.1959; Passenger conductor 11.2.1959; Born 5.30.1934
*Donlon, Agnes - started with Erie 9.22.1920; Clerk, Cashier, Bloomfield Freight Station ca. 1955-66; had a hearing impairment
*Donnelly, J.J. - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster
*Donahue, Joseph T. - Freight Handler at Bloomfield Freight Station ca. 1941; later became Agent
*Donohue, Andrew A. - Engineer, last PM pass. train 5.20.55; retired 1.2.63 with 46 yrs. svc.,
*Dougher, Richard (Dick) A., "Dicky Do" (also “Sarge” because he was in an Army RR battallion); ♥ - Hired by Erie 1.4.1951, Brakeman, extra 1951-6; Freight conductor 12.9.1956, Passenger conductor 12.1.1957; wore conductors badge on freight hat; retired from NJT @ end of 1995; born 12.16.1930
Downing, Robert L. - Superintendent, NY Div. 1966-72; later VP of Operations for EL
*Downey, Michael E. - Head Dispatcher, 1st trick, Greenwood Lake Br., 1923; Dispatcher governing the Orange Branch ca. 1948; lived behind the Orchard St., Bloomfield, Station
*Driscoll, D. - Engineer 1889-91
*Ducey, T. - Fireman, lived over Brighton Ave. Station late 1020's-30's
*Dunkerly, Bob, Jr. - Fireman; worked with dad on Orange Branch ca. 1956
*Dunkerly, Bob, Sr. "Red" - Engineer; worked with son on Orange Branch ca. 1956; was a good singer & entertainer; happy-go-lucky
Dunnick, Neil - Rate Clerk at Bloomfield, later went to Paterson
Dunning, Howard W. “Hamburger” - Hired by Erie 6.14.1956; Freight conductor 4.30.1961; Born 10.18.1922
*Dwight, George S. - Director, Bloomfield and Orange Horse Car Railway Company ca. 1869; stockholder, 12 shares of Watchung Railway Co., 1873
Earl, Thomas, Sr. - Signal Maintainer, Erie & E-L
Earl, Thomas, Jr. - Signal Maintainer, E-L
*Ebert, John R. - Superintendent, NY Division ca. 1956-65, retired
*Eckels, C.P. - Superintendent, Jersey City ca. 1918
*Edison, Thomas Alva - Surely used the Erie Orange Branch on occasion as their Llewelyn Station was very close to Edison’s home, Glenmont, in Llewelyn Park, West Orange, and Erie’s trains also stopped at Lakeside Ave. for Edison commuters. Alva and Edison Streets southwest of the former Edison battery plant on Belmont Ave., on the Bloomfield / Belleville Ave. line were obviously named for Thomas. In 1910 he was aboard the trial run of the Beach single truck battery trolley #1 on the Erie Railroad Orange Branch.
*Elliott, J.W. - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster
*Emkin, George - Fireman ca. 1912
*Engelhardt, John W. - Fireman ca. 1940's, Engineer, ca. 1956 trains x400/1417 and x401/1412, Hoboken to Forest Hill - train pulled up onto Orange Branch to prepare for return; died 1996; was featured on pages 48-51 of Stuart Leuthner’s “The Railroaders,” published in 1983
*Estill, John - Conductor 1886
Eyer, Fred - Conductor, Conrail ca. 1997
Fahey, Dick - Engineer ca. 1950's
*Fajna, George B. "High Pockets" - entered service 12.11.1945; Brakeman, ca. 1953; promoted to Freight Conductor 12.9.1956; promoted to Passenger Conductor 12.1.1957; born 4.24.1922
Falzo, Anthony "Hero" ♥ - Trainman on Reading/CNJ 1973-6; Trainman, Conrail 1976+
Farrell, Eddie F. - Hired on 2.1.1968; Worked for EL, Conrail & NJTBorn 3.21.1949
*Farrell, F.M. - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster; his name was painted on his engine
Farrell, James P. "Jim" - Dispatcher for Erie, EL, Conrail (handled Orange Branch); his brother "Red" is ticket agent at Broad St. Station, Newark, 1995; attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
Fay, James (Jim) D. - Hired by Erie 7.8.1955; Freight conductor 6.3.1960; Passenger conductor 9.25.1960; Born 9.22.1930
Ferraro, "Chick" - Fireman on Orange Branch in early 1950's & was a part time TV repairman
*Ferraro, Frank - Track Foreman, Forest Hill; retired 3.7.58 with 43 years service
*Ferraro, James "Jim" - Track Foreman, Forest Hill; retired 9.30.61 with 47 years service
Ferraro, Wayne - Agent at West Orange, 1954, after F.C. French
*Ferre, C.M. II - Conductor 1888
Farrock, William "Bill" - Engineer, freight ca. 1954; lived in Little Falls
*Fischer, Robert C. - entered service 3.26.1926; promoted to Freight Conductor 1.6.1944, worked on Orange & Greenwood Lake Branches; promoted to Passenger Conductor 1.15.1957; worked for Erie/EL to ca. 1970; father of Robert F.; described by a fellow worker as "the finest trainman, a truly excellent railroad employee who took his position seriously in every detail" son Bob was occasionally Brakeman or Flagman for father
Fischer, Robert F. (Bob) ♥ - entered Erie service @ 18 on 7.29.1950; worked the Silver Lake Drill; worked on 1951 Centennial train; promoted to Freight Conductor 12.9.1956; worked last train to E.L. Congdon Lumber; worked last Caldwell Branch & Midvale freight runs; retired from NJT in 1993 with 43 years service; son of Robert C.
*Fitzgerald, Claire (or Clara?) "Gracie Allen" - Typist, transferred from Paterson to Bloomfield Freight Station in 1937; in 1938 transferred from Bloomfield to Passaic Frt.
*Flanagan, Harry - OS&D Clerk @ Bloomfield Freight Station prior to 1943 when he went into the military; came back after the war; was a good shuffle board player
Flynn, Frank - Trainmanster, Supt. for Erie, EL, CR & NJT, retired
*Flynn, James - Crossing Flagman at Washington St., Orange, hit by train 1890
Fontaine, A.J. - Brakeman, Orange Branch freight ca. 1956
*Frauson, A.W. - Ticket/Freight Agent, Orange ca. 1927
*Fredericks, J.J. "Jake" - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster; worked on Orange Branch; attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
*Frega, Frank - Freight Handler from Paterson Frt. Sta., came to Blfd. ca. 1940's-50, was DeBenedetto's right hand man
*French, Frank C. - West Orange Agent in 1946; employed by Erie since 1924 as a telegrapher and station agent; operated amateur radio station W2LQN at the depot where he lived on 2nd floor; during WW II his radio skills were needed and he served part time in US Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 304 while continuing to work for the Erie; Agent at Glen Ridge 1954
*Feurstein, Ann - Clerk at Bloomfield Freight Station in 1943; parents owned a jewelry store in Paterson
*Friedland, Ben ♥ - Engineer on LV RR #57 (URHS) 576 & 578 which delivered equipment for display to the 1997 Silver Lake Blossom Fest and M&E Ry #20 which came back the following day to return the equipment to Morristown
*Fuller, J. Cutler - Director, Watchung Railway Company ca. 1871; stockholder with 24 shares in 1873
*Fulton, Neil - Dispatcher, Jersey City
*Gallagher, Lou - Signal maintainer in the 1950's, and later supervisor
*Gallimore, D. (Donald?) E. - Traffic Manager, Chevrolet - Bloomfield ca. 1940-54
*Gansley, John - Chief, Car Distribution, Chief Clerk, Station Supervisor; Erie, EL, CR & NJT; died Oct., 1996
*Garrison, (what was his first name?_________ - Engineer 1895
*Garrison, Charles - Brakeman 1917
*Gill, Al? "Radio" (frequently used the radio) - Engineer, Orange Branch 1960's
Gilsinger, George T. “Gilslinger” - Hired by Erie 7.4.1955; Freight conductor 6.3.1960; Passenger conductor 9.25.1960; Born 7.30,1936
*Ginochio, L.F. (or Gennochio? or Genocchio?) - Conductor/Trainman 1891, on 1929 GLRR roster
Gingell, Robert - Fireman, Engineer ca. 1955
*Gintella, Matthew T. "Matty" - Agent @ West Orange ca. 1927; Operator at OJ, & Great Notch; Dispatcher
*Good, John - Engineer 1888-93
Graff, Raymond W. - Hired 3.24.1961; Freight conductor 12.9.1966; Passenger conductor 12.9.1966; (Orange Branch 1961-70); worked for Erie; EL; Conrail & NJ Transit; Retired
Green, C.E. - Engineer ca. 1955
Green, Edward - NS Trainman / Engineer in final years of operation
*Grissmer, Andrew - Engineer, Chevy Drill 3rd trick 4.15.46
Guggi, Henry - Engineer, 2nd trick, Silver Lake Drill ca. 1950's; was a teacher at Nutley High School (taught Robert F. Fisher's wife Cindy), came on RR for better wages
*Guy, John - Trainman on Orange Branch for a short time ca. 1954
*Haetwigsen, Magdalene - Stenographer @ Bloomfield ca. 1935
*Hager, Cornelius - Trackman ca. 1891
Hahn, Charlie - Hired by Erie 8.9.1956; Brakeman, Silver Lake Drill, 1956 - 1960's; Freight conductor 2.1.1962; Passenger conductor 10.1.1962; Born 12.2.1929
*Hall, Henry Irving - Began as Watchman in 1903; became a Fireman; Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster; died at age 65, one year after retiring
*Hamilton, Henry M. - Director, Bloomfield and Orange Horse Car Railway Company ca. 1869
*Hampson, Bruce - Engineer ca. 1939
*Hankle, Harold - Operator, 3rd trick, WR Tower, controlled OJ; last position was Operator @ DB
*Hansen, Carl - Asst. Chief Train Dispatcher Jersey City & Hoboken; retired ca. 1972
*Harding, Jack - Signal Maintainer based @ Forest Hill ca. 1920-40's; had only one eye, but was an excellent mechanical man; Harry Wands, Jr. started on the RR with him
Hart, Larry - Fireman, SL Drill, 1950's - 60's
*Hartford, George Huntington - (founder of the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co., and mayor of Orange) was instrumental in getting the Erie RR to provide upgraded passenger service for commuters in competition with the DL & W RR
*Harris, Robert - Director, elected in 1880 to replace A.E. Beach who resigned
Hasler, Pete ♥ - Operator 1956-64, on extra board, worked WR Tower which controlled OJ; founder/President of Bee Line Trucking Co.; Past President, United Railroad Historical Society; Past Director, Friends of NJ RR & Transportation Museum
*Hawthorne, David - Conductor/Flagman replacing J. McNaughton on Edison battery car timetable runs on Orange Branch; Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster
Hayes, Robert - Fireman, Engineer ca. 1950's to 1992; retired
*Heald, Daniel A. - see comments under David N. Ropes
*Hefferman, James Francis - Extra Station Agent, Greenwood Lake Division; entered US Navy and died of influenza in 1918; son of James J. Hefferman
*Hefferman, John H. - Conductor/Trainman, 1918, on 1929 GLRR roster; brother of James J.
*Hefferman, James, J. - Conductor for 28 years, Greenwood Lake Division, lived in West Orange, died before 1918; father of James F. Hefferman; his widow was chosen as the first woman ticket sellers placed on the Erie ferries at Jersey City
Height, George - Brakeman (brother of Willie)
Height, Willie - Engineer (brother of George)
*Heisenbottle, J. - Engineer 1892
Heller, Wally "Dark & Dangerous" - Trainman on OB ca. 1950's
*Henderson, L. Reed - Signal Maintainer ca. 1940's; General Foreman, Maintenance of Way, Forest Hill; received safety certificate for 1953
*Hendricks, Myron L. - Dispatcher ca. 1940's
Hennessey, M. A. “Three Star” - Hired by Erie 4.3.1954; Freight conductor 4.26.1959; Passenger conductor 11.2.1959; Born 10.24.1932
Hensley, Dwight - Agent (new) at West Orange in 1955 (formerly Southern Pacific RR); resigned 1956
Hermann, Frank J. - Hired 2.6.1961; Freight conductor 12.9.1966; Born 11.26.1936; lived in Bloomfield
*Hetrick, Milton - Operator, first trick, OF Tower, until Dec. 1946; brother-in-law of Ben Leah
*Hewitt, Abram S. - Director of Watchung Railway elected to replace J.C. Fuller, deceased; President, elected to replace J.H. Pratt; appointed receiver of the Watchung Railway in 1880; through a complex arrangement there was an infusion of moneys from the NY, Lake Erie & Western RR Co. and Cooper, Hewitt & Co. which allowed the branch to be extended to Main Street, West Orange. Cooper & Hewitt purchased the Watchung Railway Co. in 1893, and sold it to the NY & Greenwood Lake Ry Co. in 1895.
Historic Note: Abram Hewitt (1822-1903) was a teacher, lawyer, iron manufacturer, congressman, mayor of NYC, & son-in-law of industrialist, inventor & philanthropist Peter Cooper. Financed by Peter Cooper, Hewitt and Edward Cooper started the Trenton Iron Co. In 1845 where in 1854 they produced the first wrought iron structural beams. Hewitt is best known for his work with the Cooper Union, which he aided Peter Cooper in founding in 1859. Cooper Union, principally an educational institution for workingmen. It has continued ever since to provide schooling in the arts and sciences for men and women in all trades and professions. Hewitt is also well known for planning the financing and construction of the first subway line in NYC for which he is considered the “Father of the NYC subway system.”
*Hewitt, Joseph "Hot Rod" & "Overtime" - Trainman, late 1940's - early 1950's
Hildebrand, W. - Vice President of Traffic, Thomas A. Edison Industries, West Orange, 1955
*Hildebrandt, Harold - Signal Maintainer, Forest Hill ca. 1945
Hockenberry, Don - Signal Maintainer, became Conrail Supervisor, retired
Hoffman, Fred G. - General Council in OB service replacement bus removal case, late 1950's
*Hogan, James J. "Jim" - Trainman on #463 ca. 1945; Yardmaster, 2nd trick when needed at Silver Lake; Trainman/Conductor on Greenwood Lake Haul ca. 1947 - dropped off and picked up cars from Silver Lake; Brakeman, 1951 at Silver Lake; Conductor in 1956 when freight car sideswiped auto at T.A. Edison plant at West Orange; was a BRT committeeman
Hohorst, Robert "Bob" - Telegraph Operator, Bridge/Tower operator at WR ca. 1961, which controlled OJ functions; worked for Erie & EL 1957-67
Holmes, Mike - Brakeman ca. 1950's; Conductor ca. freight & passenger ca. 1960's
*Hopper, G. - Junior Clerk at Bloomfield Freight Station; transferred to W. Arlington in 1943
*Hoppler, (first name???_________ "Babe" - RR Police on Orange Branch & elsewhere ca. 1940's
*Horn, Joseph - Brakeman ca. 1910
*House, Frank E. - Assistant Superintendent ca. 1940; Trainmaster, Orange Branch ca. 1940's
*Howard, W.E. - Engineer 1891
Hughes, Richard V.”Duffle bag” - Hired by Erie 10.19.1954; Freight conductor 2.18.1960; Born 7.30.1931
*Hull, Fred "Pop" - Brakeman ca. 1907; Flagman on #463 1937; retired ca. 1949, way-freight flagman job was eliminated after his retirement
*Hull, John - Brakeman who rode the runaway freight cars from Montclair Heights to Arlington in 1899
Humble, J.A. - Claim Agent ca. 1950's
*Jackson, Fred "Stonewall" - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster; Engineer, motor cars ca. 1948-9
Jacobs, Frank L. - Hired by Erie 3.24.1956; Freight conductor 4.30.1961; Passenger conductor 10.1.1962; Born 8.2.1931
*Jaeger, D. E. - Hired by Erie 5.7.1954; Freight conductor 4.26.1959; Passenger conductor 11.2.1959; Born 6.25.1827
Jarmolinski, C. - Started 8.5.47; Physically Disqualified at Bloomfield Freight in 1969
*Johnson, H.H. - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster
Johnson, Richard L. - Photographed the Orange Branch operations extensively ca._____________(years)
*Jones, Harry - Brakeman ca. 1950's; killed at Passaic in head on collision between deadhead engine and freight
*Kaiser, Marion Elvin - Cashier, started at Paterson, at Bloomfield Freight House 1940-44; was bumped by Agnes Donlon
*Kane, Edward W. - Station Supervisor from 1930's until J.K. Cubby took over
*Kane, Francis L. - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster; poor engineer - kept Johnson Bar in corner; retired 11.7.52 at age 68 with 49 years service
*Kane, John - (same as above?); attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
Kane, G.P. - Brakeman Orange Branch freight ca. 1956; son of Francis
*Kaufman, Harold - Dispatcher, Erie ca. 1950's
*Kaufagiens, Nick - was transferred from Newark to Bloomfield freight station in 1942
Kean, Arthur - Conductor, passenger & freight ca. 1940-50's
Kean, Marshall - Conductor, freight, mid 1950's; Passenger Trainman ca. late 1950's
*Keisler, A. - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster
Keller, J. - Engineer in 1954 when a car was shoved through closed gate at Chevrolet - Bloomfield
*Kelly, A.M. - Assistant Superintendent, Jersey City, ca. 1918
*Kelly, James J. - Began with Erie in 1888 at the Piermont Coal Docks; Fireman on GL Div. in 1891; Engineer, 1917, on 1929 GLRR roster; retired 10/1938 at age 69, with 50 years service; received a multiple whistle salute as he departed Jersey City with his last train
*Kerr, Herbert - First Comptometer Operator ca. 1940's
*Keyes, James A. "Bulldog" (he was built like a bulldog) - started prior to 1911; seniority date 4.26.1920; promoted to Freight Conductor 3.19.1921; promoted to Passenger Conductor 10.16.27, but was Trainman, Orange Branch freight ca. 1940-50's; a polite man; retired 7.21.61 with 51 years service
*Kibitleski, Joseph - Engineer ca. 1939
King, Charles (Rusty) ♥ - rode with Conrail Silver Lake drill to E.L. Congdon Lumber to qualify for East End Dispatcher; dispatched last freight train west of Watsessing Jct. ca. 1982-3??; retired Chief Dispatcher, NJT, MMC
*King, John S. - Director, Watchung Railway Co., replacing Edward S. Wilde in 1871; stockholder with 24 shares in 1873; died in 1875
Kirk, Robert (Bob) E., hired by Erie 10.21.1950, freight conductor 12.9.1956, passenger conductor 12.1.1957, born 3.1.1929
*Kirkland, Grady ♥ - Trackman/track inspector @ No. Newark ca. 1940-42
Kithcart, J.H. - Fireman, Engineer, Road Foreman, & Supt. for Conrail
*Kline, Allen L. - Superintendent, NY Division, 1928-40; retired as General Manager of the NYS&W RR in 1945; died 6.18.49
Klinetob, Albert R. - Hired 3.10.1960; Freight conductor 11.10.1964; Passenger conductor 6.10.1965; Born 10.22.1935
*Kolaronda, George - was transferred from Newark to Bloomfield freight station in 1942
Kostibos, James (Jim) P. ♥ "bicycle boy" - as a youngster he had a black bicycle with yellow pin stripes and Erie logo & followed the freight trains; article in Erie RR Magazine, May, 1953 -got a promise of a job; rode the last passenger runs; started working for Erie as Brakeman in 1953, was the last steam fireman to qualify on the Erie system, worked on second trick Orange Branch as Trainman in 1954 & rode his "Erie" bicycle from home in West Orange to Silver Lake worked Silver Lake drill; later came under the employ of EL, Conrail, NJ DOT and retired as an Engineer for NJT; a dedicated railroader and union man; his license plate is "RR ENGR"; Author, Trackside along the Erie Railroad and its Connections with Jim Kostibos by Morning Sun Books.
Kreiss, Bob - Brakeman/Trainman ca. 1997 for EL & Conrail
*Kriesien, Adolph E. - General Manager, eastern district, 1950's, retired 1962
*Kriet, Joseph E - Engineer, Silver Lake Drill, 1950's - 60's; retired 1963 with 40 years service
Krom, Walter - Conductor & Brakeman, Silver Lake Drill, 1950's - 60's; he was the usual "rider" on the Westinghouse loads which were kicked down the hill through Bloomfield Ave. to Silver Lake yard (brother of George Krom, General Agent, Passenger Dept., Jersey City)
Kruglinski, Michael - Brakeman, Conductor, Trainman, EL & Conrail
Kudrick, John - Conductor & Brakeman, Silver Lake Drill, 1950's - 60's
*Kuntz, Lukas "Luke" - Carman @ Silver Lake ca. 1950's
*Laird, William M. "Galloping Bill" - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster
*Landmasser, Charles E. - Road Foreman of engines ca. 1940's
Landspurg, Joseph ♥ - Fireman beginning in 1959, Hostler Helper, Hostler, Silver Lake drill in 1960's
*Layton, Warren A. - Conductor 1889
*Leah, Benjamin Franklin, Sr. ♥ "Ben" & "Timetable Pete" - started with NYS&W in 1927, switched to Erie in 1928; Relief Agent ca. 1930 at West Orange & Forest Hill stations; Asst. Agent at Orange Freight House under Voellemy @ Bloomfield; became Station Supervisor @ Jersey City where he was responsible for the Orange Branch; retired in 1972; brother in law of Milt Hetrick
*Le Massena, Robert A. ♥ - Photographer, RR Enthusiast, Author who lived near the Orange Branch as a youngster and frequently got rides on steam locomotives in the West Orange area (see article in Dec. 1978 Trains magazine)
Leverton, Ralph "Pete" - Patrolman, Bloomfield Freight Station ca. 1940's - 50's; a tough man
*Lighthipe, Charles A. - helped raise $10,000 for extension of the Watchung Railway from Park Avenue to Main St., West Orange
*Ligouri, Al - Engineer, freight & passenger, Silver Lake Drill & GL Haul ca. 1960's
*Liguori, Dominick - transferred from Paterson to Bloomfield freight station in 1942; assistant to "Babe"
*Lockwood, W.R. "Bill" - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster; Conductor ca. 1955; Treasurer of BRT local
*Logan, Donald A. "Donald Duck" - Trainmaster in charge of Orange Branch ca. 1949; later transferred to Wyoming Div.
*Longcore, Wallace F. "Wally" - Brakeman 1907; Baggagemaster at Forest Hill in 1917; Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster; Conductor, retired 12.12.51 at age 69 with 46 years service
*Long, John - Photographer, Erie RR, Cleveland who photographed the Orange Branch
*Lovelace, William F. - Hired by Erie 11.29.1956; Freight conductor 2.1.1962; Passenger conductor 10.1.1962; Born 8.2.1920
Lucy, R.D. - Fireman, Orange Branch freight ca. 1956
Lussier, Dennis - Extra Trainman, EL & Conrail, late 1960's
*Luzzo, L. - started 11.1.29; Checker @ Bloomfield Frt. Ho. ca. 1966
Lyons, Dan - Engineer, Silver Lake Drill ca. 1950's
*Lyons, Herb - Crossing Watchman at White St. and Washington Ave. late 1920's - early 1930's; later Benson St. crossing, Glen Ridge
*Mabey, Edward F. - Chief Clerk @ East Orange then Bloomfield ca. 1930, had heart trouble
*Mabey, Jack, Jr. - was transferred to Bloomfield freight station from the superintendent's office, Jersey City ca. 1940's; father was Edward's brother who worked in Erie Traffic Dept.; became an FBI man
*Mabey, Joan O'Leary - Clerk at East Orange Freight Office & later Cashier @ Bloomfield Freight Station, married Edward F. in 1929; died in 1935
*MacAsy, James R. - Track Supervisor @ No. Newark (covered Orange Branch) ca. 1935; Roadmaster, NY & GL ca. 1940's; His MofW Dept. based at No. Newark, had "0" reportable injuries in 1942
MacDonald, Ronald ♥ - Conductor, Conrail, on Orange Branch 1983+
*MacDonough, Augustus R. - Secretary of Watchung Railway chosen in 1880
*Mahoney, James J. - Engineer, started with Erie prior to WW I; worked on Orange Branch ca. 1946-9; weighed about 260, muscular, powerful; lived in West Orange; local chairman of B of LE
*Maloney, Patrick F. "Patty" - entered service 4.4.1928; promoted to Freight Conductor 1.6.1944; worked on Orange Branch; promoted to Passenger Conductor 1.15.1957; father of Possum
Maloney, Patrick F., Jr. "Possum" - Fireman/Engineer; worked on Orange Branch ca. 1950; retired NJT; son of Patty
*Mantell, J.J. - General Superintendant, New York ca. 1918
*Marchelek, Charles - Engineer ca. 1943
*Maroney, R.K. - Engineer ca. 1943
*Martin, Peter .L. - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster; Conductor on James J. Kelley's last run in 1938; attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
*Marvel, W.C. (Billy) - Station Agent @ West Orange ca. 1915-25 (was former Telegrapher @ NY&GL RR office in Jersey City ca. 1880's)
Masiello, Mike - Engineer, Conrail ca. 1997; former PC man
*Massaro, Al - Engineer; brother of Joe, Sr.; ca. 1960's
Massaro, Joe, Jr. - Fireman, Engineer, extra, Silver Lake Drill, 1960's; Road Foreman of Engines; currently Engineer for NJT
*Massaro, Joe, Sr. - Engineer
Massaro, Larry - Extra Engineer, Silver Lake Drill ca. 1950's - 60's, brother of Al & Joe Sr.
*Mathews, L. - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster
*McCarroll, Jack - Engineer ca. 1940's
*McCarter, Thomas N. - President of Public Service Corp. and the architect of it’s railway/trolley empire. In 1910 he was aboard the trial run of the Beach single truck battery trolley #1 on the Erie Railroad Orange Branch.
McCarthy, Edward J. - Hired by Erie 7.6.1955; Freight conductor 6.3.1960; Born 10.16.1930
*McCollum, J. - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster; Collector ca. 1931 working (with Conductor Charles Boehner) four Orange Branch and two Greenwood Lake trains as part of their daily assignment
*McConkey, Thomas J. ♥ - Operator OJ Tower 1941-2; Operator, first trick, OF Tower, Bloomfield Ave. for 10 months beginning Dec. 1946; a true railroad historian, author of numerous articles on the Orange Branch and other RR's
McConnell, Daniel B. - Agent, W. Orange; OJ Tower Operator; OF Tower Operator when freight car struck trolley @ Bloomfield Ave. ca. 1950's (after WW II), cutting it in half and injuring 18 people; had excellent hand writing on train orders
*McCormack, G. - Conductor, Orange Branch Drill ca. 1940
*McCormick, Joe - Dispatcher, sidelines, ca. 1953
*McCreath, James - Freight Handler & Yard Checker @ Bloomfield; Asst. Agent, Paterson & Little Falls
*McDonaugh, J.F., "Father" later "Monsignor" - Conductor, freight #463 ca. 1948 (a good switchman); retired from NJT
*McGin (or McGirr?), Alexander, "Alex" - Brakeman 1894, Conductor on Edison Battery car trial runs 1911; lived in West Orange; was a Conductor for 39 years; died in 1923 at age 66; father of Joseph
*McGin (or McGirr?), Joseph - Chief Clerk in Supt's. office in Jersey City ca. late 1930's - 50's; lived in East Orange, rode Erie to work; son of Alex
*McGranahan, Stanley F. - Superintendent, N.Y. Div., 1948-50
McKelvey, William J. Jr. "Capt. Bill" ♥ - Volunteer Errand and Water Boy for the Orange Branch Section Gang in the 1950's; photographically documented the branch with more than 60 views in the 1950's; spent much time with Pete Stevenson at Grove Street, Bloomfield; rode the last passenger trains and obtained autographs of crew members
*McKenna, W.J. "Pickup John" - Conductor ca. 1946; saved string - had a ball 4' in diameter; (was short & had poor personal hygiene)
*McKeon, H.J. - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster; worked the Silver Lake Drill ca. 1936 - used to wash up in Edison's SL battery plant
*McKinnon, Ed D. - Fireman in 1917; Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster; a fast operator; attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
*McMahon, J. W. D. (William) ♥ - "shoe shine Willie" always had starched overalls, jacket, and cap & wore a bow tie and shined shoes; started working for the Erie 8.1.26; worked the Silver Lake Drill in the late 1930's & 1940's; was on local committee and state legislative representative for the B of LF; Fireman, last PM passenger train - 1955; born 1907
*McMahon, Richard F. - Auditor, for Bloomfield and other Freight Stations; left Erie in 1927; later became Postmaster @ Montclair
*McNaughton, John - Conductor/Flagman on 1910 Edison battery car demonstration runs; County Surrogate; attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
*McOrt, Wm. - Occupation? worked at Forest Hill ca. 1920
*Mead, Houston, W. - Dispatcher ca. 1940's; went with NYS&W when they split off from Erie
*Mead, Ira - Engineer in 1891; his train was run into by one on the DL & W at Watsessing Junction.
*Mead, L.M. - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster
*Meincke (Menecke), Henry J. - Fireman, freight #463 ca. 1948; Fireman, GL Haul 1950's
*Merganz, Charlie V. - Conductor in mid 1960's, worked Orange Branch
*Merritt, F.R. - Engineer 1887, on 1929 GLRR roster
*Merritt, George - Engineer 1888
*Meskill, John - Freight Handler at Bloomfield Freight Station ca. 1943; was Rose Baker Meskill's uncle
*Messler, George - Brakeman 1888
*Miller, Fred - worked @ Forest Hill Station ca. 1945
*Miller, John - Signal Maintainer @ Forest Hill ca. 1950's
Miller, Robert "Bobby" - Signal Maintainer at Forest Hill
Mindo, Frank - Crossing Watchman at Alden St., Orange ca. 1950's
*Minshull, J.E. - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster
Mitchell, Frank - Engineer, Silver Lake drill, a fast operator; Erie/Conrail/NJT (retired 1994) liked to play golf, lives in Nutley
*Moen, Charles "Charlie Moon" - Signal Maintainer, Orange Branch, at Forest Hill, 1940's - 50's
*Moen, John - Engineer, late 1940's, Orange Branch
*Mohr, Michael - helped raise $10,000 for extension of the Watchung Railway from Park Avenue to Main St., West Orange
*Molinaro, Frank "Ace" ♥ - Jr. Clerk at Bloomfield Freight House ca. 1943-45; OS&D Clerk 1946-58; then became a teacher at St. Bonaventure at Paterson; a great basketball player
Moloughney, Bill - Engr., Erie, E-L, Conrail, on last run to Congdon Lumber; cousin of Tom; retired 1994
Moloughney, Tom - Engr., Erie, E-L; cousin of Bill
*Monks, C. - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster
*Montrose, Mrs. L. - Ticket Agent, Brighton Ave., E. Orange ca. 1915
*Moodey, B.E. - Superintendent, NY&GL & Watchung Rys. ca. 1891
*Morgan, Roy ♥ - Started with Erie as Ticket Agent @ Forest Hill; Comptometer Operator, Bloomfield Freight Station ca. 1942-66 then went to Mahwah; retired with 40 years service in 1981; lives in his birth place on River St., Paterson; was a very knowledgeable employee
*Mosier, Nicholas - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster; worked Orange Branch in 1950's; retired 9.2.58, with 51 years service, as the last Engineer on GL roster
*Mrozek, Willie - Flagman, freight #463 ca. 1948 (see #146 on roster #16????)
*Mulhaire, Betty - Clerk @ Blfd. Frt. House ca 1947-9
Mulhern, Dan A. - Brakeman ca. 1953
Munson, Frank L. - Engineer, freight & passenger ca. 1940-60's; worked last passenger train from Midvale; brother of Martin
Munson, Martin T. - Engineer, freight & passenger ca. 1940-60's; ran last passenger train from Wanaque/ Midvale???; brother of Frank
Munson, Edward - (might be one of the two above?); attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
Murcko, John - Engineer, extra engineer on train #1425 - 1400 which deadheaded to OJ #1412
*Murphy, Fred - Clerk to Station Supervisor E.W. Kane in Jersey City, later to Joseph Cubby ca. 1940's, and to Ben Leah in the 1950's; hired Rose Baker Meskill
Murphy, J.E. - Wreckmaster for rerailing of locomotive #253 at Chevrolet - Bloomfield in 1951
*Murray, Joseph - Clerk @ Bloomfield Freight Station ca. 1941-3
*Murray, William - Crossing Watchman, the last at Grove St., Bloomfield
Myers, Bill - M&E Ry Conductor who assisted with the special move of display equipment to Silver Lake in 1997
*Myers, (what was his first name??_______ - Engineer 1894
*Nastisin, John - Signal Maintainer @ Forest Hill with Jack Harding
Neubert, Harry - Brakeman, CNJ; Trainman, Conrail
Neue, Harry G. - Hired 2.9.1961; Freight conductor 12.9.1966; Passenger conductor 12.9.1966; Born 5.23.1938
*Nicoll, A.V. - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster; a short man
Nichols, James (Jim) L. “Spoons” (was an excellent spoon player) or “Wooden Nickels” - Hired 5.22.1972; Born 7.22.1946
Nolan, Edward - Clerk @ Bloomfield Freight Station 1944-50's; in winter frequently went on lunch hour to skate at Branch Brook Park lake
Nolan, Edward I. - Hired 3.4.1960; Freight conductor 11.10.1964; Passenger conductor 6.10.1965; Born 2.12.1939; Father was a Trainmaster
*Nolan, J.J. "Socks" - Engineer ca. 1943
Nutley, Doug - President, started Trinity Terminal Transportation, ICC MC 114256, ca. 1960; began trucking out of Bloomfield freight station ca. 1964; merged with Walton Moving & Storage ca. 1975; left Bloomfield in 1979
Oakley, Howard ♥ - Dispatcher, DL&W since 1945, then EL, Conrail & NJT; handled Orange Branch after EL merger; retired 1982
*O'Connor, James J. - Track Supervisor @ N. Newark ca. 1920's; retired as Track Supervisor @ Rochester
*O'Connor, John F. "Jack" ♥ - Operator, "OF" & "OJ" towers ca. 1940's, Dispatcher 1950's, retired from Conrail; sharp as a tack; historian/writer with great interest in Public Service Ry.
Occhibone, John A. - Crossing Supervisor, Forest Hill; recipient of safety certificate for 1954; followed Jim Stevenson
*O'Day, D. - Conductor 1888-94
*O'Driscoll, D.J. - Engineer 1894
*O'Leary, Ann C. - started 6.1.28; Comptometer operator @ Bloomfield Frt. Sta. ca. 1966; beautiful; liked to organize office parties; Edward Mabey married Ann's sister
*O'Leary, Joan - Cashier @ East Orange Freight Office ca. 1928-9; married Edward Mabey in 1929
O'Leary, Dick - Trainman on Orange Branch for a short time ca. 1954
*O'Reilly, Frank C. - helped raise $10,000 for extension of the Watchung Railway from Park Avenue to Main St., West Orange
*Oldfield, W.E. - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster
O’Rourke, James (Jim) M. “ Gentleman Jim” - Hired by Erie 3.17.1954; Freight conductor 4.26.1959; Born 7.7.1929
*Osborne, Ray - Chief Clerk, Bloomfield Freight Station ca. 1940-55; job was abolished
*Osborne, William H. - Engineer ca. 1880-99; engineer of passenger train hit by runaway cars at Arlington in 1899
Osborne, Bill - Fireman ca. 1950's
Paci, Anthony - NS Trainman in final years of OB; RR photographer
Paige, William M. - Brakeman ca. 1954 was disciplined for allowing a car to be shoved through closed gates at Chevrolet - Bloomfield
Para, Aida - Clerk; married Herman DeVito
Parisi, Joseph - Freight Handler 1950's - 60's; left Erie to join Paterson Police
Parker, Mike - Engineer ca. 1948
*Parker, Wayne F. - entered service 9.14.1927; promoted to Freight Conductor 1.6.1944; promoted to Passenger Conductor 1.15.1957
*Parnham, George - Agent, West Orange ca. 1929
*Panker, Frank - attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
*Parr, Joseph - Track Foreman, Forest Hill ca. 1936 - 1941; lived on Verona Ave., Newark a few doors up from No. Newark Station (could this have been the Italian man who spoke in broken English and had a backyard picnic for his workers????)
*Parsons, Michael - Erie Conductor, killed on Orange Branch connecting brake hose at Silver Lake ca. 1953-4
*Parsons, R.S. - Assistant to President and General Manager, New York
Paschall, Fred G. “Schemer” - Hired by Erie 5.4.1954; Freight conductor 4.26.1959; Passenger conductor 11.2.1959; born 1.27.1928
*Patete, Joseph J. - Started with Erie 3.1.19; Brakeman, last PM passenger train - 1955 (his name is misspelled in the Kostibos book); could this be the same employee who was Station Master at Hoboken in 1969?
*Pearce, Albert - Director/Treasurer, Bloomfield and Orange Horse Car Railway Company ca. 1869
*Pearce, (what was his first name)____??? - RR Police Head @ Jersey City, visited Bloomfield frequently
*Peck, James - Incorporator of Bloomfield & Orange Horse Car Ry. Co. in 1868; Director, ca. 1869
Pekaar, Stella L. (now Pekaar-Hines) ♥ - Clerk Typist, Bloomfield Freight Station, 1956-63; Main Line Agent & extra Agent for NJ Transit; retired 1997; proprietor of Stella's Pretenders, a tavern on Lakeview Ave., Clifton
*Pellington, Ernest (Levi) - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster; Engineer, helper for freight #463 ca. 1948; retired 1.31.56 with 50 years service; attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
*Pellington, I.F. - Conductor/Trainman 1895, on 1929 GLRR roster
*Pellington, S.A. - Conductor/Trainman 1888-9, on 1929 GLRR roster
*Penfield, George A. - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster; when his engine (what #____ ??? went in for service he would take a day off to oversee the repair work; retired 10.1.51 at age 70 with 49 years service; attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
*Pennell, A.P. - Conductor 1888
Pennisi, Richard - Extra Dispatcher, Conrail
Pennisi, Robert - Photographed Orange Branch near end of Erie era
Perna, Michael ♥ - Trainman, DL&W, Conrail, on Orange Branch since 1983
Petrone, Tony - Track Foreman, lived in Benson St. Station, Glen Ridge
Phalon, Joe "Red" ♥ - Hired by Erie 3.12.1955; Brakeman extra crew, 1st trick ca. 1955-7; Freight conductor6.3.1960; played Santa Claus at Christmas time on NJT RR Employees Assn. Christmas train; retired; Born1.12.1933. Joe has two grandsons: Matt - works for the Morristown & Erie RR, and Kevin who is VP of Tri-State Railway Historical Society.
*Phillian, Alex - Operator, OF Tower before Tom McConkey - 1940's
*Pierce, Fred - Agent at Forest Hill 1917 to closing; Agent at Hackensack
*Pignitello, Frankie - Ground Flagman @ OF Tower, Bloomfield Ave. 1950's
*Pindell, T.H. - Suberintendant, GL Division ca. 1900
*Portanova, Joseph - Clerk @ Bloomfield Freight Station late 1940'-50's;
*Pratt, Julius H. - Director/President, Watchung Railway Company ca. 1871; stockholder with 84 shares in 1873; resigned in 1880, replaced by A.S. Hewitt (Before moving to New Jersey, Pratt and David Ropes had been associated in a cutlery manufacturing firm in Meriden, CT.) (See David Ropes)
*Prendergast, Michael Joseph - Fireman in 1887; Passenger Engineer 1911; lived in West Orange; retired; died at age 77
*Proctor, H.M. - Freight Agent, Orange ca. 1915
*Pugh, Oscar - left Bloomfield freight station in 1942 and returned to brakman
Rafferty, John P. “Irishman” - Hired by Erie 3.23.1955; Brakeman, Silver Lake drill ca. 1956; Freight conductor 6.3.1960; Conductor, NJT, 1995; Born 11.3.1932
*Rafferty, M.A. - Ticket/Freight Agent, Orange ca. 1929
*Raleigh, Thomas J. "Tom" - RR Policeman (Bull), patrolled the Orange Branch daily ca. 1947; retired 5.22.59 with 40 years service; a talker
*Rambo, Vincent A. - (former Rahway Valley) entered service 8.4.1943; promoted to Freight Conductor 12.1.1953; passenger Brakeman ca. 1947; Trainman, motor cars on Orange Branch to 1950; went on to work for EL & NJT
*Ramsey, John W. - Agent, Orange ca. 1895
*Rawls, Bob - Dispatcher, Hoboken (former DL&W)
Reddy, Norman - Dispatcher DL&W, EL, & NJT
*Reilly, John Harrington - Erie RR crossing tower operator @ Belmont Ave., Belleville; Author of trolley books
*Reisack, G. S. - Hired by Erie 2.17.1951; Born 9.21.1915
*Reynolds, Harry, "Pee Wee Reynolds" - Trainman ca. 1930's & 40"s, later Conductor
*Rhodes, - Brakeman ca. 1930
*Righter, William A. - Incorporator of Bloomfield & Orange Horse Car Ry. Co. in 1868
*Rinearson, W.C. - General Passenger Agent ca. 1891
*Riutenberg, William F. "Bill" - Engineer, last AM passenger run 1955; retired 6.59 with 44 years service (28 yrs. as engineer)
*Roberts, D.I. - General Passenger Agent ca. 1900
Robinson, Lloyd G. - Assistant Traffic Manager, Chevrolet, Bloomfield
*Roche, L.J. - Chief Dispatcher, Erie RR NY Div. 1936-7
*Roche, Jim - Dispatcher, sidelines, 3rd trick in 1939; Operator, OJ Tower ca. 1943
*Romaine, Leonard G. "Young Dorry" ♥ - started 10.29.27; Clerk at Brighton Ave. ca. 1928; General Clerk to System Salvage Agent 1929 @ E. Orange Freight Station when it was located at Prospect St. (before Bloomfield Station was built); ca. 1956-66 worked AM @ Watchung Ave., Montclair & PM @ Bloomfield Freight Station as OS&D Clerk; retired as Salvage Agent after 47 yrs. with RR (only job he ever had) (son of Theodore); died 11.21.96
*Romaine, Theodore "Dorry" - Brakeman started 1904, 1907; Passenger Conductor ca. 1937-1953; Road Conductor; worked OB and also Caldwell Branch when Erie trains went all the way to Morristown (ca. 1907); retired 1.4.55 with 50 years of service; father of Leonard; attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
*Romsley, "Red" - Trainman, Orange Branch ca. 1956; worked the last Erie RPO train on Oct. 6, 1967
*Ropes, David N. - was an industrialist and became an extensive land investor/owner in the Oranges after 1855. Incorporator of Bloomfield & Orange Horse Car Ry. Co. in 1868; Director/President, B&O HCRy. Co. ca. 1869. Director/President, Watchung Railway Company ca. 1871; replaced as president by J.H. Pratt in same year; reelected Director in 1975 in place of John Rutherford, deceased. The Watchung Railroad ran through the property of Ropes from SW to NE. The railroad was mainly constructed through the efforts and financial support of Mr. Ropes. When the first effort as a branch of the Montclair Railroad failed, Mr. Ropes along with Daniel A. Heald, trustees, leased the Watchung Railway Co. and assumed practically the entire responsibility of completing the unfinished railroad. Ropes completed the work with remarkable energy, but at an immense pecuniary sacrifice to himself. However, their effort was not a financial success and the property was sold to the NY & Greenwood Lake Railway Co. in 1880??? (See Abram Hewitt.) Before moving to New Jersey, Pratt and David Ropes had been associated in a cutlery manufacturing firm in Meriden, CT. Ropes is credited with the invention of American table knives. A few hundred feet south of the Erie Orange Branch, Ropes Place is on the east side of Franklin Ave., Newark. After the Newark City Subway loop was installed at the NCS Franklin Ave. Station, Public Service buses used this street to loop at the end of the trolley line. NJ Transit buses continue to use Ropes Place to loop at the current Branch Brook Park station. (Also see J.H. Pratt).
*Rose, Al M. "Rosey" - Conductor, 1st & 2nd Chevy drill ca. late 1940's-1954; smoked a pipe
*Roth, Fred W. - Extra Brakeman, freight #463 ca. 1948; later became an operator
*Ruffer, A.E. - General Superintendant, Transportation ca. 1918
*Russo ???, Anthony ??? - Engineman ca. 1940's ???
*Rutherford, John - Director, Watchung Railway Company ca. 1871; stockholder with 12 shares in 1873; died 1875
*Ryan, John - Brakeman, 1889
*Ryerson, Charley - Fireman, helper for freight #463 ca. 1948; Engineer, 1st spot job with Harry Wands, Jr. ca. 1955 (not related to Bob)
*Ryerson, Robert D. "Bob" "Rapid Robert" & "Pretty Boy" (was a ladies man) ♥ - started w/Erie 1945; Trainman on OB ca. 1947-50's; Conductor EL, Conrail & NJT; retired 1984 (not related to Charley), born 7.25.1923
*Rymer, Neil - OS&D Clerk @ Paterson Frt. House; job abolished, came to Blfd. Frt. House ca. 1940's-50's
*Salzman, Abraham "Abe" - Ticket Agent, Forest Hill ca. 1929; North Newark; & Essex St., Hackensack after 1948
Sampson, Joseph R. - Hired by Erie 4.2.1954; Brakeman, Orange Branch freight ca. 1956; Freight conductor 4.26.1959; Passenger conductor 11.2.1959; was a BRT union delegate; Born 7.16.1935
*Sanok, Anthony J. - Trackman, Greenwood Lake Div., started working for Erie in 1925; Passenger Trainmaster ca. 1940's; Asst Supt. of Transportation, 1948; retired as crew caller on EL ca. 1972; a native of Bloomfield; (brother of Tom)
Sanok, Joan - Clerk @ Bloomfield freight station ca. 1954-5 summers only, while in college
*Sanok, Stephan - Crossing Watchman, Extra on OB after retirement from Oaks Mill ca. 1940's (father of Tom and Anthony
*Sanok, Thomas Joseph ♥ - started working for Erie in 1929, as Stenographer @ Secaucus; held numerous positions; Passenger Trainmaster, Jersey City until 1948 then Asst. Supt.; Asst. General Manager 1951; Asst. to V.P. @ Cleveland ca. 1956; retired 1971 as Director of Labor Relations for EL; a native of Bloomfield
*Schadegg, Charlie J. - Fireman, last AM OB passenger run, 1955; Extra Fireman on freight
*Schilling, Thomas A. "Tom" - Started 2.8.24; Rate Clerk @ East Orange Freight Office & at Bloomfield Freight House ca. 1942 to 1969; Assistant Agent @ Paterson ca. 1947; Rate Clerk ca. 1969; taught rates to Roy Morgan
*Schooner, Ed - Engineer 1886; engineer of light engine which hit a horse car at Bloomfield Ave. in 1887; discharged after causing a wreck at Midvale, 1887
*Schultz, Gussie - Stenographer @ East Orange Freight Office ca. late 1920's
*Schurr, John - Occupation? worked @ Forest Hill ca. 1945
*Schrope, M.F. - Fireman 1929 GLRR roster
*Schmidt, Joseph - Car Clerk @ East Orange Freight Office ca. 1920's-29; Independent Trucker @ Bloomfield Freight Station
Scott, Ray - Signal Maintainer, ca. 1970's after Charlie Moen
*Seigler, W.E. - Conductor/Trainman in 1890, on 1929 GLRR roster
*Seman, Frank C. - Trackman 1936+; Track Supervisor, Forest Hill, 1951; died at age 34
*Shafer, W. - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster
Sharkey, Madeline ♥ - Clerk at Bloomfield Freight House 1942; Comptometer Operator ca. 1957; Clerk Stenographer; Secretary to F.L. Collins, Gen. Freight Agent; Traffic Dept. in NYC then Hoboken; Secretary to Bill Herkner, Asst. V.P.; worked for Erie, EL, NJ DOT, Conrail, and retired from NJT in 1987
*Sharp, John - Crossing Flagman at West Orange 1892, was struck and killed by engine as he attempted to drive a cow from the track
*Shelton, Edward J. "Eddie" - Operator @ Orange Station ca. 1920's; General Clerk @ East Orange Freight Office ca. late 1920's; later Agent & Postmaster @ Great Notch; son of Jim
*Shelton, Jim - Section Foreman on Orange Branch in early 1900's; father of Eddie
Sheppard, Bill - Dispatcher, side lines ca. late 1960's; made a book of diagrams of all sidings on all Northern NJ branches in late 1960's
*Shew, C. - attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
*Shorter, Harry Lewis - Began as a Brakeman in 1908; Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster; died in 1935 at age 57
*Sigler, Walter E. - Conductor; retired with 52 years service; died Sept. 1938; lived in Caldwell
"Silver Sleeves" - Trainman ca. 1950's
*Sincock, Arthur - Chief Clerk @ Bloomfield ca. 1940's; died of heart attack
*Singerle, Bill - Freight Handler, in way car @ Bloomfield prior to opening of Freight Station; brother of Frank
*Singerle, Frank (Mose?) - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster to 1950's; Conductor on first passenger train off the Orange Branch in the AM ca. 1947
Sipple, Joseph - Supt.; hi-railed the Orange Branch from Bloomfield Ave. to W. Orange in 1977 with Ron Wallace as his flagman
*Skelton, James - Section Foreman 1896
*Slawson, Chet - (Slauson, C.H. - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster) (Slausson, Jesse - Engineer per Orange newspapers); Engineer, Edison Battery car trial runs 1910
*Slockbower, Lee A. - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster; Passenger Conductor ca. 1947; Conductor, motor cars to 1950
*Smith, A.J. "Concrete" - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster
*Smith, Charles R. - Brakeman 1892
*Smith, Clyde L. - Chief Dispatcher ca. 1940's; retired in 1950; was Mayor, later Tax Assessor of Little Falls; died in 1953
*Smith, Frank B. - Fireman 1893; Engineer 1910
Smith, Gordon - Fireman/Engineer for EL ca. 1972-3 and later for Conrail
*Smith, Harry - Chief Engineer on GL Div. ca. 1938
*Smith, H.W. "Aggie" - Engineer, 1929 GLRR roster; Engineer, Orange Br., 1950's, lived in W. Orange
*Smith, James Gregory - Freight Clerk possibly @ East Orange Station and then Bloomfield Freight Station; Lived @ 258½ Glenwood Avenue; Born 1889; Died ca. 1965; Great grandfather of Carolyn Hoffman, co-commander, RR Battalion of the Military Transport Assn., facilitators of the annual Toys for Tots Train.
*Smith, John “Pocahontis” - Conductor, G.L. Division ca. 1920's; attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
*Smith, John - Chevrolet Freight Clerk prior to 1942, before Frank Molinaro
*Smith, S. - Conductor 1888-91
*Smith, W.H. "Willie" - started 4.8.26; Chevrolet Clerk @ East Orange Freight Office; Car Clerk & Demurrage Clerk, Bloomfield Freight House - did car check of Orange Branch daily, including Saturdays, ca. 1957-68; one time Agent, Brighton Ave., E.Orange; lived @ Jersey shore, commuted via PRR; retired as demurrage clerk, Paterson, 1973
*Snyder, Samuel Johnson "Dapper Dan" and "Dean of Conductors" - Conductor/Trainman; was #1 on G.L. roster until 1920 when 10 men went ahead of him because they worked during the outlaw strike; worked the first train on the Caldwell branch when it opened and is on 1929 GLRR roster); Conductor of light freight engine which hit a car of the Bloomfield & Newark Horse Car Line in 1887; only Conductor to get his train through to Jersey City in the blizzard of 1888; oldest Passenger Conductor on the Erie ca. the 1940's; always had a flower in his lapel; retired in 1945 at 85 years old with 69 years, 11 months of Erie service!; he was believed to be the oldest active railroad employee in the country at the time; he was honorary conductor on the Erie's 1951 centennial reenactment of the first run between Piermont, NY and Dunkirk, on Lake Erie; died 8.15.54 in Montclair
Sobotka, John J. ♥ - Trainman, CNJ & Reading, Conrail & NS; Engineer 1987+, worked Orange Branch 1990's to end of freight service; in youth lived at 205 Bloomfield Ave. just west of OF tower/crossing; Conductor on special move to return display equipment from Silver Lake to Morristown in 1997; Engineer on last NS freight move (Hartz Mountain) in 2009. Co-commander, RR Battalion of the Military Transport Assn., facilitators of the annual Toys for Tots Train.
*Spalding, Henry C. - Director, Watchung Railway Company ca. 1871; stockholder with 186 shares in 1873
*Spratt, Fred L. - Asst. Chief Train Dispatcher, Jersey City ca. 1953
Spratt, Fred, L. Jr. (III) - Hired 8.29.1962; Freight conductor 3.8.1968; Passenger conductor 3.8.1968; Brakeman, Orange Branch Ca. 1960's on the Silver Lake drill; Born 12.2.1939; Father was Erie Dispatcher
*Spencer, Bird W. - Director of Watchung Railway in 1880 replacing A.C. Browning; elected Treasurer replacing J.T. Wilcox
*Springer, James, “Jim” - RR Policeman, high class, wore uniform, relieved Tom Raleigh ca. 1940's
*Sproule, Frank R. - Demurrage Clerk at Bloomfield freight station ca. 1942; was prematurely grey
Staples, Robert "Rabbit" - Trainman, E-L, Conrail, extra board 1990's
Starling, Webster - Engineer, extra on SL Drill, 1950's - 60's
Steed, Richard C. - Hired by Erie 11.5.1954; Freight conductor 2.18.1960; Passenger conductor 4.24.1960; Born 1.19.1934
Stephens, W.W. - Traffic Manager, Westinghouse, Bloomfield ca. 1950
*Stenal, Edward - Engineer, Conrail
*Struck, J. N., Trainman, entered Erie service 4.6.1946, freight conductor 12.9.1956, passenger conductor 12.1.1957, born 11.12.1910
Struck, Kenneth L. - Hired 1.2.1960; Freight conductor 11.10.1964; Passenger conductor 6.10.1965; Born 9.3.1939
*Stevenson, C. - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster
*Stevenson, James "Jimmy" - Crossing Supervisor 1920's - early 30's; resigned and took 3rd trick Operator position @ WR Tower (West Arlington) where he stayed until end of WW II; brother of Pete Stevenson
*Stevenson, Pete ♥ - Crossing Watchman @ Grove St., Bloomfield; retired 12.7.56 with 30 years service; died 7.2.57
Stritenberger, Earl D. "Earl The Pearl," "Misplaced Cowboy," "Strit" and "Edselberger" (after he bought an Edsel car) ♥ - Hired by Erie 4.10.1956; Trainman on work train which demolished the Forest Hill station in early 1957; Freight conductor 4.30.1961; Extra Conductor on Silver Lake drill & "463" ca. 1961-65; worked for Erie, EL, Conrail, & NJT retired as a passenger conductor in 1988; volunteer (with 42+ years service) and former Chief of Rutherford Fire Department; locksmith; Born 7.27.1927
*Sullivan, John, Sr. - Engineer, 1st & 2nd Chevy Drill ca. 1940-54; father of John Jr.
Sullivan, John, Jr. - Engineer, 1950's - 60's on SL Drill; son of John Sr.
Sutor, Ralph G. - Hired by Erie 4.5.1955; Freight conductor 6.3.1960, Passenger conductor 9.25.1960; Born 5.31.1932
*Sutton, C.J. - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster
*Sutton, Charlie - Trainman, 1940's for a short time
*Sutton, Roger R. - Asst. Chief Dispatcher ca. 1940-50's
Sykes, James S. ♥ - Lead Signalman E-L & Conrail; installed Bloomfield Ave. automatic gates ca. 1969
Tanfield, Harry T. - Hired 1.23.1960; Freight conductor 11.10.1964; Passenger conductor 6.10.1965; Born 5.30.1932
Tanfield, Robert E. - Hired 2.7.1060; Freight conductor11.10.1964; Passenger conductor 6.10.1965; Born 1.5.1929
*Tarker, Michael M. "Mike" - Engineer (excellent), freight #463 ca. 1948-50's; retired 1.2.63 with 43 years service
*Taylor, Walter E. - Conductor, freight ca. 1948-55; was a short man
*Templemen, Frederick B. - Foreman, Bloomfield Freight House ca. 1940's; retired 12.4.52 w/34 years service
*Terhorst, Frances - Extra Clerk @ Bloomfield Freight Station in summer 1946, then went to Erie Paterson Frt. Sta.
Texido, Frank E. "Red" - Hired by Erie 7.2.1954; Freight conductor 4.26.1959, Silver Lake Drill, 1950's-60's; retired 1994 from NJT; Born 2.6.1931
*Thompson, Clayton - Auditor 1940's-50's, based at Jersey City
Thomson, George R. - Hired 7.27.1962; Freight conductor 3.8.1968; Passenger conductor 3.8.1968; Born 6.8.1941
*Tichenor, Mrs. A.M. - Ticket Agent, Orange ca. 1915
Tideman, Edward - Fireman ca. 1953; Engineer ca. 1955; was from a family of Erie railroaders
Titmus, Joe - Crossing Watchman, 1st trick at Franklin St., (or Belmont Ave. ?) Belleville 1950's - 60's
*Tobia, Peter - Operator/Gateman, Bloomfield Ave. crossing - years?; Operator West Arlington tower
*Tompkins, J. D. - Hired by Erie 3.17.1954; Freight conductor 4.26.1959; Passenger conductor 11.2.1959; Born 2.25.1924
*Tremper, W. - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster
*Turcic, Joseph P. - Supervising Agent at Bloomfield ca. 1970; committed suicide with his two children
Tuohy, M.F. - Entered service 6.25.1971; EL & Conrail
*Udall, Harry - Conductor/Trainman 1907, 1929 GLRR roster; Passenger Conductor in 1937; attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
*Underwood, F. D. - President of the Erie Railroad Co. In 1910 he was aboard the trial run of the Beach single truck battery trolley #1 on the Erie Railroad Orange Branch.
Urkolano, "Ape" (because he looked and walked like one) Conductor on "463" ca. late 1950's - left the RR for UPS ca. 1960's
*Van Blarcom, Abram "Fido" - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster; Collector ca. 1931 working (with Conductor Charles Boehner) four Orange Branch and two Greenwood Lake trains as part of their daily assignment; Conductor on last PM Orange Branch passenger run (I have his autograph!); retired 9.19.55 with 50 years of service
*Vanderhoof, Frank - attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
Van Der Hyde, Herb "Fuzzy" - Ticket Agent, Upper Montclair; Dispatcher, sidelines, 1st trick ca. 1950's
*Van Houten, H. - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster; Freight Conductor ca.1940-51; BRT committeeman, local leader, President, & Chairman; attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue (a/k/a Frank?)
*Varga, Helen - Clerk @ Blfd. Frt. Sta. ca. 1940's; married name is Mather
*Venturini, George - Brakeman ca. 1951
*Voellemy, Carol - Typist @ Blfd. Frt. Station in late 1940's; niece of Charles
*Voellemy, Charles - Chief Clerk, Orange; Agent 1911; Agent @ Prospect St., E. Orange ca.1915; Agent @ Prospect St, & Brighton Ave., E. Orange ca. 1927-29; Orange Br. Agent @ Bloomfield 10.9.29 when the freight station opened, & also listed as Silver Lake; Brighton Ave., Orange Ticket Agent; Prospect St., E. Orange; & Orange Freight ca. 1942 -47; Freight Agent, Bloomfield; loved to socialize; retired 12.31.54 with 43 years service (75 attended his retirement dinner) where Margaret Dempsey spoke well about him
*Volski, Chester A. "Chet" - started 6.12.28; Forest Hill Ticket Clerk part time, balance worked at Bloomfield freight house ca. 1940; Rate Clerk (most knowledgeable about rates and routing tariffs), Bloomfield Freight House, ca. 1959 to 1968; OS&D Clerk @ Blfd. 1969; lived at Mountain Ave., Montclair, station (which Chet renovated) with his wife and family; Madeline Sharkey baby sat with his children
*Volpe, Art - Billing Clerk at Bloomfield Freight House ca. 1947
*Vormwald, E.J. - Agent at Orange station - 1922
Vrooman, Joseph T. - Superintendent, Public Service Coordinated Transport bus operation which replaced passenger trains
Wadsworth, Ernest "Smiles" - Freight Handler ca. 1958-60 @ Bloomfield Freight House; Newark Freight House
*Wagner, William B. - Freight Handler @ Bloomfield Freight Station ca. 1941; later Trainmaster @ Hoboken; Yardmaster, Ford Operations, Mahwah
Walker, Dixie - Yardmaster @ Croxton for Orange Branch ca. 1948; @ Silver Lake, late 1960's & early 1970's for E-L
*Wallace, R.H. - General Passenger Agent ca. 1915; not related to Ron
*Wallace, Ronald C. "Ron" ♥ - Operator, started with EL at Roseville Ave. tower briefly then became Station Agent; Traveling Agent for Conrail 4.1.76 to end of 1977, worked part time at Bloomfield Freight Station & also covered Little Falls, Mt. View, & Boonton by car; was flagman for Supt. Joe Sipple when he hi-railed the Orange Branch in 1977; Agent @ Orange Station for NJ Transit
*Wallenhaupt, William - Signal Maintainer ca. 1940's
Wallworth, Don ♥ - Clerk & Operator beginning with Erie in 1949; Freight Agent at Bloomfield Freight House in 1968; Supervisor of Stations shortly thereafter and various management positions with Conrail and NJT; good RR sketch artist; retired in 1990
*Walsh, J.J. - Trainman, ca. 1940's
*Wands, Gordon R. - entered service 2.14.1948; Brakeman, worked 1st. Chevy drill; often called to work 2nd & 3rd tricks to assist other crews; promoted to Freight Conductor 12.9.1956; son of Harry Sr., brother of Harry, Jr. and Robert, born 1.31.1930
*Wands, Harry K., Jr. "Green Hornet, Jr." ♥ - entered service 12.14.1946 as Signal Maintainer Helper with Jack Harding; worked 1st. Chevy drill 11 years; often called to work 2nd & 3rd tricks to assist other crews; promoted to Freight Conductor 12.9.1956; promoted to Passenger Conductor 12.1.1957; refers to the Erie as "the best railroad"; son of Harry Sr., brother of Gordon and Robert, born 7.19.1927
*Wands, Harry K., Sr. "The Little General" - entered service 3.1.1922; Trainman, Conductor, then Yardmaster @ Silver Lake ca. 1936-63, & retired; dressed like an executive; father of Gordon, Harry, Jr., & Bob
Wands, Robert L., "Bob" ♥ - Dispatcher, qualified in 1956 on Orange Branch, side lines and main line ca. 1960's, went on to work for Amtrak for 20 years; son of Harry Sr., brother of Gordon and Harry, Jr.
*Waner or Weiner, George - Trainman, killed at close clearance at Steffanelli Coal in early 1940's
*Ward, Joe - Brakeman, Silver Lake Drill, 1950's - 1960's; a quiet loner
*Ward, William A. "Willie" - Engineer, 1929 GLRR roster to 1940's; retired 11.20.50 with 43 years service
*Weaver, P. - Incorporator of Bloomfield & Orange Horse Car Ry. Co. in 1868
*Welle, Emil - Agent, Orange Freight House ca. 1950's; Assistant Agent, Bloomfield Freight Station ca. and took the daily Orange Branch yard check; a good, very quiet worker
*Wester, Al F. - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster; later Trainmaster; finally Conductor; attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
*Weyant, H.E. - Engineer on 1929 GLRR roster; disliked by firemen; attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
*Whalen, T.E. - Freight Conductor as of 11.29.1925; on 1929 GLRR roster; Passenger Conductor as of 12.30.1940; on 1959 roster of Trainmen
*Whalen, Thomas "Tommy" - Agent @ Forest Hill in early 1930's; son of T.E.
Wharton, James - Trainman/Conductor, 1969+ E-L; Conrail & NS
*Wheeler, Robert C. - Operator, third trick, OJ Tower until ca. 1940 when he died
*White, Conrad - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster; retired with 49 years service; lived in Little Falls; died at age 69
*White, E.J. - Agent, Forest Hill ca. 1915; later @ No. Newark
*White, G.C. - Superintendent, NY Div. 1946-49
*White, P. - Fireman ca. 1907
*White, R. (Bob) H. - entered Erie service 8.17.1946, freight conductor 12.9.1956, passenger conductor 12.1.1957, born 1.29.1925
*Whitman, A. - Engineer 1888
*Whitenour, Albert - Engineer 1890-92
*Wilcox, Josiah T. - Director/Secretary & Treasurer, Watchung Railway Co. replacing E.S. Wilde in 1871; reelected Director in 1875 replacing John S. King, deceased; resigned in 1880
*Wilde, Edward S. - Incorporator of Bloomfield & Orange Horse Car Ry. Co. in 1868; Director/Secretary, B&O HC Ry. Co. ca. 1869; Director/Secretary, Watchung Railway Company ca. 1871, but resigned shortly thereafter
*Willey, R. - attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
Williams, Al - Engineer on Silver Lake drill ca. 1970's; He, along with Earl Stritenberger and Willie Lovelace were featured in a 1978 article in Trains magazine titled “ This can’t be Millburn - there’s no bar across the street.”
*Williams, Maurice A. - started with Erie as Clerk, Orange May 31, 1895; Greenwood Lake Dispatcher ca. 1940 - 50's; retired 6.1.52 at 74 after 56 years with Erie
*Wilm, Herman - Dispatcher (former DL&W)
*Wilson, G. "Dusty" - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster
Wilson, James R. "Jim" ♥ - Clerk, Freight Inspector at Bloomfield freight house until closed by Conrail; worked as an Extra Brakeman on Orange Branch; became NJT Conductor; leased NJT (Erie) Benson St., Glen Ridge station; owner/operator of Friendly Service (former De Camp bus route #22) from 1982 to 1991; owns Alco RS3 #935 (former D&H RR #4085) painted in Erie colors for NY & Greenwood Lake Ry. (Inc.) (NYGL), and caboose C-344 in Erie colors, which carries the name of Robert F. Fisher (see above); owner/operator of the former Erie Dundee Spur (abandoned by Conrail) using former Erie SW9 locomotive #436, leased from United RR Historical Society of NJ. No 436 was subsequently leased by URHS to BRRHT and found to be heavily damaged due to negligence of NYGL. URHS sent former NJT U34CH #3372 to NYGL in anticipation of a lease which did not occur. After several years locomotive returned to URHS @ Boonton with heavy loss of copper and aluminum wiring including traction motor leads. Passaic - Garfield operation of NYGL is now basically dead - no business and two GP 9 locos there have also suffered loss of copper. NYGL also owns an E-8 an RS3, and a private passenger car all stored at the Port Jervis turntable.
*Wilson, W.W. - Brakeman 1895, injured, lost arm at Forest Hill on link & pin
*Wittenberg, B. - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster
Wogan, C.E. - Superintendent, NY Div. 1972-76?
*Wood, William - Engineer 1888
*Wraith, A. - Engineer, lived above Brighton Ave. Station late 1920's-30's
Young, Louis E. - General Traffic Manager for T.A. Edison Industries 1940's - 50's
*Young, Richard - Clerk at Bloomfield Station Oct. 1944 to ca. 1950's; later worked in Superintendents Office, Jersey City & Hoboken; a railfan with extensive photo, movie, and tinplate model train collections; Frank Molinaro broke Richard in
Zacarelli, Joseph - was the Public Service Ry. motorman of the trolley which was hit by the box car at Bloomfield Avenue
Zein, Kamal - Traveling Agent, worked at Bloomfield Frt. Sta. for Conrail before Ron Wallace
Zembriskie, J. G. - Hired by Erie 11.6.1956; Freight conductor 2.1.1962; Born 12.13.1929
*Zeuner, George "Jerry" - Conductor/Trainman 1929 GLRR roster; Conductor, last AM passenger run, 1955; attended 1957 Greenwood Lake Retirees Barbecue
Zoon, Donald R. - Hired by Erie 1.9.1956; Trainman; Freight conductor 4.30.1961; Passenger conductor 10.1.1962; Conrail; NJ Transit conductor; Born 10.27.1937
Zukowski, John - Engineer, Silver Lake Drill, 1960's
#463 to WO; Engineer, Fireman, 2 Brakemen, Conductor, Flagman = 6
Silver lake Drill; three tricks; Engineer, Fireman, 2 Brakemen, Conductor = 15
Greenwood Lake Haul; " " " " = 5
3 PM Job from Croxton; " " " " = 5
Passenger; #401/404; 503/406; 483/408, " " " " = 15
513/528-517/530; 409/602-413/412 " " " = 10
Yardmasters 2
Car Inspector 1
Signal Maintainers (part time) 3
Track Gang (part time) 5
Towermen (OF-2, OJ-3) 5
Crossing Watchmen;
Franklin Ave. (2)
Belmont Ave. (2)
Grove St. (1)
Bloomfield Ave. (2)
Lawrence St. (1)
Harlow St. (1)
Meadow St. (1)
Kensington Pl. (1)
Prospect St. (1)
Glenwood Ave. (1)
Midland Ave. (1)
Brighton Ave. (1)
Lake St. (1)
N. Park St. (1)
Kearny St. (1)
Sheridan St. (1)
Washington Ave. ?
Alden St. (1)
Cleveland St. (1)
High St. (1)
Watchung Ave. (1)
Lakeside Ave. (1)
Park Ave. (1)
White St. (1)
Total = 24
Agents: WO, Forest Hill 2
Freight Houses: Orange & Bloomfield (office) 14
" " " " (dock) 30
Grand Total = 142